
stix.coa Module


The stix.coa module implements CourseOfAction.

CoursesOfAction are specific measures to be taken to address threat whether they are corrective or preventative to address ExploitTargets, or responsive to counter or mitigate the potential impacts of Incidents

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class stix.coa.CourseOfAction(id_=None, idref=None, timestamp=None, title=None, description=None, short_description=None)

Bases: stix.base.BaseCoreComponent

Implementation of the STIX Course of Action.

  • id (optional) – An identifier. If None, a value will be generated via mixbox.idgen.create_id(). If set, this will unset the idref property.
  • idref (optional) – An identifier reference. If set this will unset the id_ property.
  • timestamp (optional) – A timestamp value. Can be an instance of datetime.datetime or str.
  • description – A description of the purpose or intent of this object.
  • short_description – A short description of the intent or purpose of this object.
  • title – The title of this object.

Adds a description to the descriptions collection.

This is the same as calling “foo.descriptions.add(bar)”.


Adds a description to the short_descriptions collection.

This is the same as calling “foo.short_descriptions.add(bar)”.


A single description about the contents or purpose of this object.

Default Value: None


If this object has more than one description set, this will return the description with the lowest ordinality value.

Returns:An instance of StructuredText

Searches the children of a Entity implementation for an object with an id_ property that matches id_.


A single short description about the contents or purpose of this object.

Default Value: None


If this object has more than one short description set, this will return the description with the lowest ordinality value.

Returns:An instance of StructuredText

Convert to a dict

Subclasses can override this function.

Returns:Python dict with keys set from this Entity.

Export an object as a JSON String.


Convert to a GenerateDS binding object.

Subclasses can override this function.

Returns:An instance of this Entity’s _binding_class with properties set from this Entity.
class stix.coa.RelatedCOAs(scope=None, *args)

Bases: stix.common.related.GenericRelationshipList