
Controlled Vocabularies

Many fields in STIX leverage the stixCommon:ControlledVocabularyStringType, which acts as a base type for controlled vocabulary implementations. The STIX language defines a set of default controlled vocabularies which are found in the stix_default_vocabs.xsd XML Schema file.

The python-stix library contains a stix.common.vocabs module, which defines the VocabString class implementation of the schema ControlledVocabularyStringType as well as VocabString implementations which correspond to default controlled vocabularies.

For example, the stix_default_vocabularies.xsd schema defines a controlled vocabulary for STIX Package Intents: PackageIntentVocab-1.0. The stix.common.vocabs module contains an analogous PackageIntent class, which acts as a derivation of VocabString.

Each VocabString implementation contains:

  • A static list of class-level term attributes, each beginning with TERM_` (e.g., ``TERM_INDICATORS)
  • A tuple containing all allowed vocabulary terms: _ALLOWED_VALUES, which is use for input validation. This is generated via the vocabs.register_vocab() class decorator.
  • Methods found on stix.Entity, such as to_xml(), to_dict(), from_dict(), etc.

Interacting With VocabString Fields

The following sections define ways of interacting with VocabString fields.

Default Vocabulary Terms

The STIX Language often suggested a default controlled vocabulary type for a given controlled vocabulary field. Each controlled vocabulary contains an enumeration of allowed terms.

Each VocabString implementation found in the stix.common.vocabs module contains static class-level attributes for each vocabulary term. When setting controlled vocabulary field values, it is recommended that users take advantage of these class-level attributes.

The following demonstrates setting the Package_Intent field with a default vocabulary term. Note that the STIXHeader.package_intents property returns a list. As such, we use the append() method to add terms. Other STIX controlled vocabulary fields may only allow one value rather than a list of values.

from stix.core import STIXHeader
from stix.common.vocabs import PackageIntent

header = STIXHeader()


Which outputs:

    <stix:Package_Intent xsi:type="stixVocabs:PackageIntentVocab-1.0">Indicators</stix:Package_Intent>

Non-Default Vocabulary Terms

Though it is suggested, STIX content authors are not required to use the default controlled vocabulary for a given field. As such, python-stix allows users to pass in non-default values for controlled vocabulary fields.

To set a controlled vocabulary to a non-default vocabulary term, pass a VocabString instance into a controlled vocabulary field.

A raw VocabString field will contain no xsi:type information or _ALLOWED_VALUES members, which removes the input and schema validation requirements.

from stix.core import STIXHeader
from stix.common.vocabs import VocabString, PackageIntent

header = STIXHeader()
non_default_term = VocabString("NON-DEFAULT VOCABULARY TERM")


Which outputs:

    <stix:Package_Intent>NON-DEFAULT VOCABULARY TERM</stix:Package_Intent>

Notice that the <stix:Package_Intent> field does not have an xsi:type attribute. As such, this field can contain any string value and is not bound by a controlled vocabulary enumeration of terms.

Working With Custom Controlled Vocabularies

STIX allows content authors and developers to extend the ControlledVocabularyStringType schema type for the definition of new controlled vocabularies. The python-stix library allows developers to create and register Python types which mirror the custom XML Schema vocabulary types.

XSD Example

The following XML Schema example shows the definition of a a new custom controlled vocabulary schema type. Instances of this schema type could be used wherever a ControlledVocabularyStringType instance is expected (e.g., the STIX_Header/Package_Intent field).

Filename: customVocabs.xsd

    <xs:import namespace="" schemaLocation=""/>
    <xs:complexType name="CustomVocab-1.0">
            <xs:restriction base="stixCommon:ControlledVocabularyStringType">
                    <xs:union memberTypes="customVocabs:CustomEnum-1.0"/>
                <xs:attribute name="vocab_name" type="xs:string" use="optional" fixed="Test Vocab"/>
                <xs:attribute name="vocab_reference" type="xs:anyURI" use="optional" fixed=""/>
    <xs:simpleType name="CustomEnum-1.0">
        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
            <xs:enumeration value="FOO"/>
            <xs:enumeration value="BAR"/>

XML Instance Sample

The following STIX XML instance document shows a potential use of this field. Note the xsi:type=customVocabs:CustomVocab-1.0 on the Package_Intent field.

Filename: customVocabs.xml

    xsi:schemaLocation=" /path/to/stix_core.xsd /path/to/customVocabs.xsd"
        <stix:Package_Intent xsi:type="customVocabs:CustomVocab-1.0">FOO</stix:Package_Intent>

Python Code

To parse content which uses custom controlled vocabularies, Python developers don’t have to do anything special–you just call STIXPackage.from_xml() on the input and all the namespaces, xsi:types, etc. are attached to each instance of VocabString. When serializing the document, the input namespaces and xsi:type attributes are retained!

However, to create new content which utilizes a schema defined and enforced custom controlled vocabulary, developers must create a VocabString implementation which mirrors the schema definition.

For our CustomVocab-1.0 schema type, the Python would look like this:

from stix.common import vocabs

# Create a custom vocabulary type
class CustomVocab(vocabs.VocabString):
    _namespace = ''
    _XSI_TYPE = 'customVocabs:CustomVocab-1.0'

    # Valid terms
    TERM_FOO = 'FOO'
    TERM_BAR = 'BAR'

As you can see, we can express a lot of the same information found in the XML Schema definition, but in Python!

  • _namespace: The targetNamespace for our custom vocabulary
  • _XSI_TYPE: The xsi:type attribute value to write out for instances of this vocabulary.
  • TERM_FOO|BAR: Allowable terms for the vocabulary. These terms are collected for input validation.


The @register_vocab class decorator registers the class and its xsi:type as a VocabString implementation so python-stix will know to build instances of CustomVocab when parsed content contains CustomVocab-1.0 content.

This also inspects the class attributes for any that begin with TERM_ and collects their values for the purpose of input validation.


Before python-stix, users registered custom VocabString implementations via the stix.common.vocabs.add_vocab() method. This method still exists but is considered DEPRECATED in favor of the stix.common.vocabs.register_vocab() class decorator.

# builtin
from StringIO import StringIO

# python-stix modules
from stix.core import STIXPackage
from stix.common.vocabs import VocabString, register_vocab
from mixbox.namespaces import register_namespace, Namespace

XML = \
    xsi:schemaLocation=" /path/to/stix_core.xsd /path/to/customVocabs.xsd"
        <stix:Package_Intent xsi:type="customVocabs:CustomVocab-1.0">FOO</stix:Package_Intent>

# Create a VocabString class for our CustomVocab-1.0 vocabulary which
class CustomVocab(VocabString):
    _namespace = ''
    _XSI_TYPE  = 'customVocabs:CustomVocab-1.0'
    TERM_FOO   = 'FOO'
    TERM_BAR   = 'BAR'
register_namespace(Namespace(CustomVocab._namespace, "customVocabNS"))

# Parse the input document
sio = StringIO(XML)
package = STIXPackage.from_xml(sio)

# Retrieve the first (and only) Package_Intent entry
package_intent = package.stix_header.package_intents[0]

# Print information about the input Package_Intent
print('%s %s %s' % (type(package_intent), package_intent.xsi_type, package_intent))

# Add another Package Intent
bar = CustomVocab('BAR')

# This will include the 'BAR' CustomVocab entry