Source code for mixbox.entities

# Copyright (c) 2015, The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved.
# See LICENSE.txt for complete terms.

# stdlib
import collections
import json
import warnings

from . import namespaces
from . import idgen, signals
from .binding_utils import save_encoding
from .datautils import is_sequence
from .vendor import six

# Note: Some imports moved to the bottom of this module to resolve circular
# import issues.

def _objectify(field, value, ns_info):
    """Make `value` suitable for a binding object.

    If `value` is an Entity, call to_obj() on it. Otherwise, pass it
    off to the TypedField for an appropriate value.
    if (getattr(field.type_, "_treat_none_as_empty_list", False) and
            value is None):
        return []

    if value is None:
        return None
    elif field.type_:
        return value.to_obj(ns_info=ns_info)
    return field.binding_value(value)

def _dictify(field, value):
    """Make `value` suitable for a dictionary.

    * If `value` is an Entity, call to_dict() on it.
    * If value is a timestamp, turn it into a string value.
    * If none of the above are satisfied, return the input value
    if value is None:
        return None
    elif field.type_:
        return value.to_dict()
    return field.dict_value(value)

class EntityFactory(object):
    """The EntityFactory class handles type key => class resolution during
    parse time.

    Generally, this class will use xsi:type as a class lookup key, but there
    may be instances where xsi:type is not be the appropriate key. As such
    this class was designed to be flexible enough to handle multiple class
    resolution scenarios.

    Any of the methods defined below can be overridden for non-standard
    keys or lookup scenarios.

        _dictkey: The key associated with type information in an Entity
            dictionary. Default is "xsi:type".
        _objkey: The attribute associated with type information in a
            generateDS binding object. Default is "xsi_type"

    _dictkey = "xsi:type"  # dictionary key holding type information
    _objkey  = "xsi_type"  # generateDS object attr holding type information.

    def entity_class(cls, key):
        """**Abstract** This method take the `key` (e.g., xsi:type value) and
        returns the Entity class associated with it.

            key: The class lookup key. Generally this is an xsi:type attribute

            The class associated with the input `key`.

            This should raise ValueError if no class is associated with the
            input key.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def instance(cls, key, *args, **kwargs):
        """Create an instance of the class associated with the `key` (xsi:type)
        and initialize it with the *args and **kwargs.

            key: A class lookup key (see entity_class()).

            An instance of the class associated with the `key`.
        klass = cls.entity_class(key)
        return klass(*args, **kwargs)

    def objkey(cls, obj):
        """Return the class lookup key from the input generateDS object.
        If no type information or lookup keys are found on the binding object
        return None.

            obj: A generateDS binding object.

            A class lookup key (string) or None.
        return getattr(obj, cls._objkey, None)

    def dictkey(cls, mapping):
        """Return the class lookup key from the input dictionary.
        If no type information or lookup keys are found on the binding object
        return None.

            mapping: A dictionary representation of an Entity instance.

            A class lookup key (string) or None.
            return mapping[cls._dictkey]
        except (KeyError, AttributeError):
            return None

    def from_dict(cls, cls_dict, fallback_xsi_type=None):
        """Parse the dictionary and return an Entity instance.

        This will attempt to extract type information from the input
        dictionary and pass it to entity_class to resolve the correct class
        for the type.

            cls_dict: A dictionary representation of an Entity object.
            fallback_xsi_type: An xsi_type to use for string input, which
            doesn't have properties

            An Entity instance.
        if not cls_dict:
            return None
        if isinstance(cls_dict, six.string_types):
            if not getattr(cls, "_convert_strings", False):
                return cls_dict

            typekey = cls.dictkey(cls_dict)
        except TypeError:
            typekey = fallback_xsi_type
        klass   = cls.entity_class(typekey)
        return klass.from_dict(cls_dict)

    def from_obj(cls, cls_obj):
        """Parse the generateDS object and return an Entity instance.

        This will attempt to extract type information from the input
        object and pass it to entity_class to resolve the correct class
        for the type.

            cls_obj: A generateDS object.

            An Entity instance.
        if not cls_obj:
            return None

        typekey = cls.objkey(cls_obj)
        klass   = cls.entity_class(typekey)
        return klass.from_obj(cls_obj)

class Entity(object):
    """Base class for all classes in the Cybox SimpleAPI."""

    # By default (unless a particular subclass states otherwise), try to "cast"
    # invalid objects to the correct class using the constructor. Entity
    # subclasses should either provide a "sane" constructor or set this to
    # False.
    _try_cast = True

    def __init__(self):
        self._fields = {}

    def typed_fields(cls):
        """Return a tuple of this entity's TypedFields."""

        # Checking cls._typed_fields could return a superclass _typed_fields
        # value. So we check our class __dict__ which does not include
        # inherited attributes.
        klassdict = cls.__dict__

            return klassdict["_typed_fields"]
        except KeyError:
            fields = cls.typed_fields_with_attrnames()
            cls._typed_fields = tuple(field for _, field in fields)
        return cls._typed_fields

    def typed_fields_with_attrnames(cls):
        """Return a list of (TypedField attribute name, TypedField object)
        tuples for this Entity.
        # Checking cls._typed_fields could return a superclass _typed_fields
        # value. So we check our class __dict__ which does not include
        # inherited attributes.
        klassdict = cls.__dict__

            return klassdict["_typed_fields_with_attrnames"]
        except KeyError:
            # No typed_fields set on this Entity yet. Find them and store
            # them in the _typed_fields class attribute.
            from . import fields
            typed_fields = tuple(fields.iterfields(cls))
            cls._typed_fields_with_attrnames = typed_fields
        return typed_fields

    def __eq__(self, other):
        # This fixes some strange behavior where an object isn't equal to
        # itself
        if other is self:
            return True

        # I'm not sure about this, if we want to compare exact classes or if
        # various subclasses will also do (I think not), but for now I'm going
        # to assume they must be equal. - GTB
        if self.__class__ != other.__class__:
            return False

        # Get all comparable TypedFields
        typedfields = [f for f in self.typed_fields() if f.comparable]

        # If No comparable TypedFields are found, return False so we don't
        # inadvertently say they are equal.
        if not typedfields:
            return False

        return all(f.__get__(self) == f.__get__(other) for f in typedfields)

    def __hash__(self):
        # The hash of the object is: all TypedFields, all TypedField values and
        # the class. - EV
        typedfield_values = tuple()
        klass = (self.__class__,)

        for f in self.typed_fields():
            if isinstance(f.__get__(self), list):
                typedfield_values += tuple(f.__get__(self))
                typedfield_values += (f.__get__(self),)

        return hash(self.typed_fields() + typedfield_values + klass)

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self.__eq__(other)

    def to_obj(self, ns_info=None):
        """Convert to a GenerateDS binding object.

        Subclasses can override this function.

            An instance of this Entity's ``_binding_class`` with properties
            set from this Entity.
        if ns_info:

        # null behavior for classes that inherit from Entity but do not
        # have _binding_class
        if not hasattr(self, "_binding_class"):
            return None

        entity_obj = self._binding_class()

        for field, val in six.iteritems(self._fields):
            # EntityLists with no list items should be dropped
            if isinstance(val, EntityList) and len(val) == 0:
                val = None
            elif field.multiple:
                if val:
                    val = [_objectify(field, x, ns_info) for x in val]
                    val = []
                val = _objectify(field, val, ns_info)

            setattr(entity_obj,, val)

        return entity_obj

    def _finalize_obj(self, entity_obj):
        """Subclasses can define additional items in the binding object.

        `entity_obj` should be modified in place.

    def to_dict(self):
        """Convert to a ``dict``

        Subclasses can override this function.

            Python dict with keys set from this Entity.
        entity_dict = {}

        for field, val in six.iteritems(self._fields):
            if field.multiple:
                if val:
                    val = [_dictify(field, x) for x in val]
                    val = []
                val = _dictify(field, val)

            # Only add non-None objects or non-empty lists
            if val is not None and val != []:
                entity_dict[field.key_name] = val


        return entity_dict

    def _finalize_dict(self, entity_dict):
        """Subclasses can define additional items in the dictionary.

        `entity_dict` should be modified in place.

    def from_obj(cls, cls_obj):
        if not cls_obj:
            return None

        entity = cls()

        for field in cls.typed_fields():
                val = getattr(cls_obj,
                # HACK: if the cls_obj is not an instance of cls,
                # only copy fields that exist on cls
                # (this only happens with "Base" binding types that map onto
                #  non-base API types, like BaseIndicatorType => Indicator)

            # Get the class that will perform the from_obj() call and
            # transform the generateDS binding object into an Entity.
            transformer = field.transformer

            if transformer:
                if field.multiple and val is not None:
                    val = [transformer.from_obj(x) for x in val]
                    val = transformer.from_obj(val)

            field.__set__(entity, val)

        signals.emit("Entity.created.from_obj", entity, cls_obj)
        return entity

    def from_dict(cls, cls_dict):
        if cls_dict is None:
            return None

        entity = cls()

        # Shortcut if an actual dict is not provided:
        if not isinstance(cls_dict, dict):
            value = cls_dict

                return cls(value)   # Call the class's constructor
            except TypeError as ex:
                fmt  = "Could not instantiate a %s from a %s: %s"
                args = (cls, type(value), value)
                ex.message = fmt % args

        for field in cls.typed_fields():
            val = cls_dict.get(field.key_name)

            # Get the class that will perform the from_obj() call and
            # transform the generateDS binding object into an Entity.
            transformer = field.transformer
            if transformer:
                if field.multiple:
                    if val is not None:
                        val = [transformer.from_dict(x) for x in val]
                        val = []
                    val = transformer.from_dict(val)
            elif field.multiple and not val:
                val = []

            # Set the value
            field.__set__(entity, val)

        return entity

    def to_xml(self, include_namespaces=True, namespace_dict=None,
               pretty=True, encoding="utf-8"):
        """Serializes a :class:`Entity` instance to an XML string.

        The default character encoding is ``utf-8`` and can be set via the
        `encoding` parameter.

        If `encoding` is ``None``, a unicode string is returned. That is, a
        :class:`unicode` in Python 2 and a :class:`str` in Python 3.

            If you need to print a byte string in Python 3, you will need to
            decode it using using the :class:`str`.

            include_namespaces (bool): whether to include xmlns and
                xsi:schemaLocation attributes on the root element. Set to true by
            namespace_dict (dict): mapping of additional XML namespaces to
            pretty (bool): whether to produce readable (``True``) or compact
                (``False``) output. Defaults to ``True``.
            encoding: The output character encoding. Default character encoding
                is ``utf-8``.

            A byte string containing the XML representation for this :class:`Entity`
            instance if an encoding was provided. If encoding is set to
            ``None`` a unicode string containing the XML representation will be

        namespace_def = ""

        ns_collector = NamespaceCollector()
        gds_obj = self.to_obj(ns_info=ns_collector if include_namespaces else None)

        if include_namespaces:
            delim = "\n\t" if pretty else " "
            namespace_def = ns_collector.get_xmlns_string(delim) + delim + \

        with save_encoding(encoding):
            sio = six.StringIO()

        # Ensure that the StringIO buffer is unicode
        s = six.text_type(sio.getvalue())

        if encoding:
            return s.encode(encoding)

        return s

    def to_json(self):
        """Export an object as a JSON String."""
        return json.dumps(self.to_dict())

    def from_json(cls, json_doc):
        """Parse a JSON string and build an entity."""
            d = json.load(json_doc)
        except AttributeError:  # catch the read() error
            d = json.loads(json_doc)

        return cls.from_dict(d)

    def istypeof(cls, obj):
        """Check if `cls` is the type of `obj`

        In the normal case, as implemented here, a simple isinstance check is
        used. However, there are more complex checks possible. For instance,
        EmailAddress.istypeof(obj) checks if obj is an Address object with
        a category of Address.CAT_EMAIL
        return isinstance(obj, cls)

    def object_from_dict(cls, entity_dict):
        """Convert from dict representation to object representation."""
        return cls.from_dict(entity_dict).to_obj()

    def dict_from_object(cls, entity_obj):
        """Convert from object representation to dict representation."""
        return cls.from_obj(entity_obj).to_dict()

class EntityList(collections.MutableSequence, Entity):
    """An EntityList is an Entity that behaves like a mutable sequence.

    EntityList implementations must define one multiple TypedField which
    has an Entity subclass type. EntityLists can define other TypedFields
    that are not multiple.

    The MutableSequence methods are used to interact with the multiple

    # Don't try to cast list types (yet)
    _try_cast = False

    def __init__(self, *args):
        super(EntityList, self).__init__()
        assert self._multiple_field()

        if not any(args):

        for arg in args:
            if is_sequence(arg):

    def _any_typedfields(self):
        return any(x for x in six.itervalues(self._fields))

    def __nonzero__(self):
        return bool(self._inner or self._any_typedfields())

    __bool__ = __nonzero__

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self._inner.__getitem__(key)

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        self._inner.__setitem__(key, value)

    def __delitem__(self, key):

    def __len__(self):
        return self._inner.__len__()

    def insert(self, idx, value):
        if not value:
        self._inner.insert(idx, value)

    def _dict_as_list(cls):
        """Returns True if the to_dict() and from_dict() methods should
        expect to export/parse lists rather than dicts.

        If there is only one TypedField (a multiple field) defined on the
        EntityList, this will return True. If there is more than one
        TypedField, the to_dict() method will export a dict and not a list.

            This can be overridden by subclasses to force this behavior.

        TODO (bworrell):
            Remove this functionality. The to_dict() method can export a
            dict, a list, a string/int/etc., or None. This makes parsing
            complicated. The to_dict() method should probably return a dict
            and maybe None at most.
        return len(cls.typed_fields()) == 1

    def _multiple_field(cls):
        """Return the "multiple" TypedField associated with this EntityList.

        This also lazily sets the ``_entitylist_multiplefield`` value if it
        hasn't been set yet. This is set to a tuple containing one item because
        if we set the class attribute to the TypedField, we would effectively
        add a TypedField descriptor to the class, which we don't want.

            AssertionError: If there is more than one multiple TypedField
                or the the TypedField type_ is not a subclass of Entity.
        klassdict = cls.__dict__

            # Checking for cls.entitylist_multifield would return any inherited
            # values, so we check the class __dict__ explicitly.
            return klassdict["_entitylist_multifield"][0]
        except (KeyError, IndexError, TypeError):
            from . import fields
            multifield_tuple = tuple(fields.find(cls, multiple=True))
            assert len(multifield_tuple) == 1

            # Make sure that the multiple field actually has an Entity type.
            multifield = multifield_tuple[0]
            assert issubclass(multifield.type_, Entity)

            # Store aside the multiple field. We wrap it in a tuple because
            # just doing ``cls._entitylist_multifield = multifield`` would
            # assign another TypedField descriptor to this class. We don't
            # want that.
            cls._entitylist_multifield =  multifield_tuple

            # Return the multiple TypedField
            return multifield_tuple[0]

    def _inner(self):
        """Return the EntityList mutliple TypedField inner collection."""
        return self._multiple_field().__get__(self)

    def to_list(self):
        return [h.to_dict() for h in self]

    def to_dict(self):
        if self._dict_as_list():
            return self.to_list()
        return super(EntityList, self).to_dict()

    def from_dict(cls, cls_dict):
        if not cls_dict:
            return None

        if cls._dict_as_list():
            return cls.from_list(cls_dict)

        return super(EntityList, cls).from_dict(cls_dict)

    def from_list(cls, seq):
        if not seq:
            return None

        entitylist  = cls()
        transformer = cls._multiple_field().transformer
        fallback_xsi_type = getattr(cls._multiple_field().type_,
                                    "_XSI_TYPE", None)
            transformed_list = [transformer.from_dict(x, fallback_xsi_type)
                                for x in seq]
        except TypeError:
            transformed_list = [transformer.from_dict(x)
                                for x in seq]

        return entitylist

    def object_from_list(cls, entitylist_list):
        """Convert from list representation to object representation."""
        return cls.from_list(entitylist_list).to_obj()

    def list_from_object(cls, entitylist_obj):
        """Convert from object representation to list representation."""
        return cls.from_obj(entitylist_obj).to_list()

class NamespaceCollector(object):

    def __init__(self):
        # Namespaces that are "collected" from the Python objects during
        # serialization.  This will be a NamespaceSet.
        self._collected_namespaces = None

        # Namespaces and schemalocations that are attached to STIX/CybOX
        # entities when parsed from an external source.
        self._input_namespaces = {}
        self._input_schemalocs = {}

        # A list of classes that have been visited/seen during the namespace
        # collection process. This speeds up the collect() method.
        self._collected_classes = set()

        # Namespaces and schemalocations that will appear in the output
        # XML document.
        self.finalized_schemalocs = None

        # Namespace dictionary that gets passed to the bindings.
        self.binding_namespaces = None

    def update(self, ns_info):
        self._collected_namespaces.update(ns_info._collected_namespaces)  # noqa
        self._input_namespaces.update(ns_info._input_namespaces)  # noqa
        self._input_schemalocs.update(ns_info._input_schemalocs)  # noqa

    def _parse_collected_classes(self):
        alias2uri = {}     # namespace alias to namespace uri mapping
        noalias   = set()  # namespaces that have no alias defined by a class.

        for klass in self._collected_classes:
            # Prevents exception being raised if/when
            # collections.MutableSequence or another base class appears in the
            # MRO.
            ns = getattr(klass, "_namespace", None)
            if not ns:

            # cybox.objects.* ObjectProperties derivations have an _XSI_NS
            # class-level attribute which holds the namespace alias to be
            # used for its namespace.
            alias = getattr(klass, "_XSI_NS", None)
            if alias:
                alias2uri[alias] = ns

            # Many stix/cybox entity classes have an _XSI_TYPE attribute that
            # contains a `prefix:namespace` formatted QNAME for the
            # associated xsi:type.
            xsi_type = getattr(klass, "_XSI_TYPE", None)
            if not xsi_type:

            # Attempt to split the xsi:type attribute value into the ns alias
            # and the typename.
            typeinfo = xsi_type.split(":")
            if len(typeinfo) == 2:
                alias2uri[typeinfo[0]] = ns

        # Compile a list of all seen Namespace URIs
        uris = list(six.itervalues(alias2uri)) + list(noalias)

        # A mixbox NamespaceSet object from our collected URIs.
        # Unrecognized namespace URIs will cause an error at this stage.
        nsset = namespaces.make_namespace_subset_from_uris(uris)

        # For some reason, prefixes are specified in API class vars and also in
        # our big namespace tables.  From python-cybox issue #274 [1], I
        # conclude that the tables may take priority here.  And those are
        # already going to be preferred at this point.  So the only thing I can
        # think to do with class var values is fill in any missing prefixes
        # we may have (but I doubt there will be any).
        # 1.
        for prefix, ns_uri in six.iteritems(alias2uri):
            preferred_prefix = nsset.preferred_prefix_for_namespace(ns_uri)

            if preferred_prefix:


        # Set our internal _collected_namespaces to the populated NamespaceSet
        self._collected_namespaces = nsset

    def _fix_example_namespace(self):
        """Attempts to resolve issues where our samples use
        '' for our example namespace but python-stix uses
        '' by removing the former.
        example_prefix = 'example'  # Example ns prefix
        idgen_prefix = idgen.get_id_namespace_prefix()

        # If the ID namespace alias doesn't match the example alias, return.
        if idgen_prefix != example_prefix:

        # If the example namespace prefix isn't in the parsed namespace
        # prefixes, return.
        if example_prefix not in self._input_namespaces:

        self._input_namespaces[example_prefix] =

    def _finalize_namespaces(self, ns_dict=None):
        """Returns a dictionary of namespaces to be exported with an XML

        This loops over all the namespaces that were discovered and built
        during the execution of ``collect()`` and
        ``_parse_collected_classes()`` and attempts to merge them all.

            .namespaces.DuplicatePrefixError: If namespace prefix was
                mapped to more than one namespace.
            .namespaces.NoPrefixError: If a namespace was collected that is
                not mapped to a prefix.
        if ns_dict:
            # Add the user's entries to our set
            for ns, alias in six.iteritems(ns_dict):
                self._collected_namespaces.add_namespace_uri(ns, alias)

        # Add the ID namespaces

        # Remap the example namespace to the one expected by the APIs if the
        # sample example namespace is found.

        # Add _input_namespaces
        for prefix, uri in six.iteritems(self._input_namespaces):
            self._collected_namespaces.add_namespace_uri(uri, prefix)

        # Add some default XML namespaces to make sure they're there.

        # python-stix's generateDS-generated binding classes can't handle
        # default namespaces.  So make sure there are no preferred defaults in
        # the set.  Get prefixes from the global namespace set if we have to.
        for ns_uri in self._collected_namespaces.namespace_uris:
            preferred_prefix = self._collected_namespaces.preferred_prefix_for_namespace(ns_uri)

            if preferred_prefix:

            # No preferred prefix set for namespace. Try to assign one.
            prefixes = self._collected_namespaces.get_prefixes(ns_uri)

            if prefixes:
                prefix = next(iter(prefixes))
                prefix = namespaces.lookup_name(ns_uri)

            if prefix is None:
                raise namespaces.NoPrefixesError(ns_uri)


    def _finalize_schemalocs(self, schemaloc_dict=None):

        # If schemaloc_dict was passed in, make a copy so we don't mistakenly
        # modify the original.
        if schemaloc_dict:
            schemaloc_dict = schemaloc_dict.copy()
            schemaloc_dict = {}

        # Build our schemalocation dictionary!
        # Initialize it from values found in the parsed, input schemalocations
        # (if there are any) and the schemaloc_dict parameter values (if there
        # are any).
        # If there is a schemalocation found in both the parsed schemalocs and
        # the schema_loc dict, use the schemaloc_dict value.
        for ns, loc in six.iteritems(self._input_schemalocs):
            if ns not in schemaloc_dict:
                schemaloc_dict[ns] = loc

        # Now use the merged dict to update any schema locations we don't
        # already have.
        for ns, loc in six.iteritems(schemaloc_dict):
            if (ns in self._collected_namespaces and
                self._collected_namespaces.get_schema_location(ns) is None):
                self._collected_namespaces.set_schema_location(ns, loc)

        # Warn if we are missing any schemalocations
        id_ns = idgen.get_id_namespace()

        for ns in self._collected_namespaces.namespace_uris:
            if self._collected_namespaces.get_schema_location(ns):

            if (ns == id_ns or
                ns in namespaces.XML_NAMESPACES or
                ns in schemaloc_dict):

            error = "Unable to map namespace '{0}' to schemaLocation"

    def finalize(self, ns_dict=None, schemaloc_dict=None):

        self.finalized_schemalocs = self._collected_namespaces.get_uri_schemaloc_map()
        self.binding_namespaces = self._collected_namespaces.get_uri_prefix_map()

    def get_xmlns_string(self, delim):
        if self._collected_namespaces is None:
            return ""

        return self._collected_namespaces.get_xmlns_string(

    def get_schema_location_string(self, delim):
        if self._collected_namespaces is None:
            return ""
        return self._collected_namespaces.get_schemaloc_string(delim=delim)

    def collect(self, entity):
        # Collect all the classes we need to inspect for namespace information

        # Collect the input namespaces if this entity came from some external
        # source.
        if hasattr(entity, "__input_namespaces__"):

        # Collect the input schemalocation information if this entity came
        # from some external source.
        if hasattr(entity, "__input_schemalocations__"):