
stix.exploit_target.configuration Module


The stix.exploit_target.configuration module captures the software configuration that causes a vulnerability in a system.


class stix.exploit_target.configuration.Configuration(description=None, short_description=None, cce_id=None)

Bases: stix.base.Entity

Implementation of STIX Configuration.

  • cce_id (optional) – Common Configuration Enumeration value as a string
  • description (optional) – A string description.
  • short_description (optional) – A string short description.

Adds a description to the descriptions collection.

This is the same as calling “foo.descriptions.add(bar)”.


Adds a description to the short_descriptions collection.

This is the same as calling “foo.short_descriptions.add(bar)”.


Common Configuration Enumeration value for this Configuration.

Default Value: None

Returns:A string representing the CCE ID

A single description about the contents or purpose of this object.

Default Value: None


If this object has more than one description set, this will return the description with the lowest ordinality value.

Returns:An instance of StructuredText

A StructuredTextList object, containing descriptions about the purpose or intent of this object.

This is typically used for the purpose of providing multiple descriptions with different classificaton markings.

Iterating over this object will yield its contents sorted by their ordinality value.

Default Value: Empty StructuredTextList object.


IF this is set to a value that is not an instance of StructuredText, an effort will ne made to convert it. If this is set to an iterable, any values contained that are not an instance of StructuredText will be be converted.

Returns:An instance of StructuredTextList

A single short description about the contents or purpose of this object.

Default Value: None


If this object has more than one short description set, this will return the description with the lowest ordinality value.

Returns:An instance of – class:.StructuredText

A StructuredTextList object, containing short descriptions about the purpose or intent of this object.

This is typically used for the purpose of providing multiple short descriptions with different classificaton markings.

Iterating over this object will yield its contents sorted by their ordinality value.

Default Value: Empty StructuredTextList object.


IF this is set to a value that is not an instance of StructuredText, an effort will ne made to convert it. If this is set to an iterable, any values contained that are not an instance of StructuredText will be be converted.

Returns:An instance of – class:.StructuredTextList