
stix.exploit_target Module


The stix.exploit_target module implements ExploitTarget. This denotes the specific vulnerability, weakness, or software configuration that creates a security risk.


class stix.exploit_target.ExploitTarget(id_=None, idref=None, timestamp=None, title=None, description=None, short_description=None)

Bases: stix.base.BaseCoreComponent

Implementation of STIX Exploit Target.

  • id (optional) – An identifier. If None, a value will be generated via mixbox.idgen.create_id(). If set, this will unset the idref property.
  • idref (optional) – An identifier reference. If set this will unset the id_ property.
  • title (optional) – A string title.
  • timestamp (optional) – A timestamp value. Can be an instance of datetime.datetime or str.
  • description (optional) – A string description.
  • short_description (optional) – A string short description.

Adds a configuration to the configurations list property.


If None is passed in no value is added

Parameters:value – A configuration value.
Raises:ValueError – If the value param is of type Configuration

Adds a vulnerability to the vulnerabilities list property.


If None is passed in no value is added

Parameters:value – A Vulnerability object..
Raises:ValueError – if the value param is of type Vulnerability

Adds a weakness to the weaknesses list property.


If None is passed in no value is added

Parameters:value – A Weakness object.

Raises: ValueError if the value param is of type Weakness

class stix.exploit_target.PotentialCOAs(coas=None, scope=None)

Bases: stix.common.related.GenericRelationshipList

A list of Potential_COA objects, defaults to empty array

class stix.exploit_target.RelatedExploitTargets(related_exploit_targets=None, scope=None)

Bases: stix.common.related.GenericRelationshipList

A list of RelatedExploitTargets objects, defaults to empty array